Make everyday an adventure. Those words used to seem so “corny” to me back in the day.
Ya, ya whatever enjoy yourself fruitloop. That’s what I would think if I ever heard someone say that. Even if it was a Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn or even Joyce Meyers or Charles Stanley. I figured they were just “saying that” to get me to cough up the cash or keep listening or whatever it is they do. Not that it’s bad. I don’t think that of any one selling CDs or Books on TV. I really don’t – there are many that helped me and I’m grateful.
Now I am thrilled to say making life an adventure everyday is the only way to go.
I wasn’t ready for it when I met him, maybe that’s why it took 9 years for us to get married. Thank You Father my husband is a patient man. And of course a couple times through the Master Key Mastermind Alliance helped.
I realize now that making everyday an adventure is not what I thought I was.
Being immature spiritually, mentally and emotionally I didn’t realize it means to just live, be alive, be giving meaning to your life everyday. It’s up to me to give meaning to live and thus make it an adventure.
One of my favorite movies all my life has been Auntie Mame with Roselyn Russell. If you have ever seen this great movie you know one of Mame’s great lines is, “Live, live, live, that’s the message, life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.” I know now why that has always stayed with me and I watch that movie at least once a year. LIVE!! Be alive, give meaning to life everyday, each and everyday.
It means being in service, doing things for others to give life vitality. Not just thinking about doing a nice thing for someone but actually doing it. Pay for the car behind you at the tolls once in a while. Throw a quarter into the meter. Help an elderly person. Help a struggling mom, don’t judge her parenting skills see if she could use a hand. Do it!! I make life a daily adventure. It feels so good to be coming from you heart. That’s the adventure, living from your heart.
How many times have you wanted to reach out and you didn’t, and then you feel bad you didn’t. Lots. We get chances all day, everyday. Opportunities to reach out and make little miracles in the lives of others. Be the observer find them, they’re there I promise.
My wonderful husband showed me that, he shows me that everyday. When I tell you I am blessed it doesn’t seem big enough. Those words are not big enough to explain how amazing my life is everyday.
We had an adventure today. Wow, a bike ride down that canyon, but for me that wasn’t the real adventure. Hair raising for certain. Although that was exhilarating and a little scary the real adventure was how it ended up happening.
Mark always wanted to do this, ride down the canyon on a bike. Well for the last 5 years anyway and he wanted to do it today, on his birthday. Me No! Not interested.
When Mark told his daughter Chelsea he always wanted to do this crazy thing she got ahold of the idea and even thought he said last week, “No forget it. It’s to complicated.” And it really is complicated. Chelsea didn’t forget it, she got the bikes, arranged eveything and made it happen.
Chelsea gets it, thanks to her Dad, by being in service to her Dad and me and herself she gave us all such an amazing feeling of adventure today. That she went the extra mile and got this together for her Dad is a great inspiration to me and I feel so blessed to have Chelsea as my daughter and to watch and see what an incredible woman he raised. And trust me it was all him. Seeing a daughter give this gift to her father was the great adventure today to me.
Today is his birthday and I know, for certain, God wasn’t just dancing on the day Mark was born, there was sining and jumping up and down and all sorts of revelry.
I made a video part way down. The wind noise is really loud, we were flying, and some parts all you can see if my finger, sorry, but it’s cool. Watch it and leave a comment if you want.
Blessings and Believe,
What a view……though the first time the camera dropped down, I thought you were crashing! One hand, one brake, you’re crazy Davene! But thanks for sharing…..I can’t think of a more fun way to spend a birthday.
I need to get better at making each day an adventure. Would love to take that ride sometime. Awesome B-day celebration for Mark to be with his favorite ladies on an adventure. Wahoo!
Hi Davene, I could feel the rush of the wind in your video but your blog post was great, I really felt it.
Bit worried about you on the wrong side of the road and then I remembered we drive on the right side, I mean left side, in Australia.
Wow Davene, you really do GET IT! People have such busy lives and the one thing that must haunt everyone is when they realize time passes by so fast that they don’t even know where the year went. What they do know is that they probably can’t remember too many days of really felling alive. It’s more memories about bills, stress, work, etc.
As far as being in service, yup, you got that too and have proved it with me every time I am in need of help you show up.
Well guess what, I NEED HELP AGAIN, SORRY
[…] of my mentors, Davene, hits the nail on the head when she speaks about living everyday. Unfortunately for most people […]
We really do have to live every day. We never know which one will be the last. This is a great post.