Sometimes the most amazing things happen – even if you expected something amazing to happen.
That is what happened to me at the Go90Grow Live Event last week. An advance Network Marketing Training and Self Improvement Training.
I knew that some amazing things would happen, but really, not this amazing.
Sure, sure it’s Kauai how can it not be amazing. Right? I agree. Such a beautiful and magical island.
This time though I think the people who came for the event brought the magic.
It’s a big commitment to come all the way to Kauai from anywhere – we are a rock in the middle of the pacific ocean. So we are proud and impressed by the Go90Growers who got over here for the Go90Grow Live Event.
There were some beautiful connections made, Anthony Carr and Ruben Cezar are two wonderful, gracious, powerful and honorable men who hooked up here but you would have thought they had been friends since forever. Even on the first night these two warriors seemed like old, best friends. Then John and Beth Kennedy got in on their great ideas and shared a mission that is amazing. Now they’re all working toward a mutual DMP.
Steven Koistinen and Jude Davis had a similar connection – these wonderful people would have never met and here they are being in service to each other with no agenda but to help.

I realized a dream at the Go90Grow Live Event, that was great Network Marketing Training, yes another dream come true, of having our kids here being a part of Mark and Me doing what we love and having them a part of it. It hit me like a ton of bricks, ya I didn’t realize it until I actually saw these two terrific girls sitting there together helping us run the event. They both did so much to help! I’m so so lucky.
AND to boot – right after the event I booked the ONE-WAY ticket for our daughter Dayna to move here and live here in Kauai. All I do is read my DMP and visualize everyday what I want my life to be and it happens. It happens ever better than I (literally) imagine.
I want all of you to experience your Golden Budda life with me. You can do anything you want with your life, anything!!!
Looked like the experience of a lifetime for network marketers…..wish I could have made it and finally met some of the people who have blessed my life since the first MKMMA launch….I finally discovered my own golden Buddha and couldn’t be happier today. Thanks for sharing that story as well….hugs to you and Mark.
Aloha Lisa – Amazing it not a big enough word I feel very blessed.
Mahalo for the comment!