October 8, 2010

My husband Mark (The World’s Laziest Networker) and I have been telling people since 2004 that we are moving to Kauai.  We got the typical mixed reviews.  Some, mostly already successful or open-minded people, said “Wow great” others usually the ones who are not successful and closed-minded said, “Isn’t is expensive to live there?”   In essence the comments positive or negative were just versions of these.  All the same in principle.

In this situation in my life I was able to be an observer, rare for me, I could see each person’s response in a very objective way.  Non- judgmental because I knew thru working the Master Key Master Mind Alliance that these comments would have zero effect on my realizing my dream.  It was so freeing just being the observer. Really delightful!

So I am making the goal of being the observer (no fear, no judgment) in my life my next big breakthrough, at least I believe it will be a breakthrough. 🙂

So as I sit here in front of my dream computer, a MacBook Pro, in my beautiful home in Kauai I am observing how everything isn’t perfect.  Did I think my dream was going to be perfect?   Well ya kinda.  I have lived here in my mind for over 3 years.  It’s not exactly as it was in my mind but it is a miracle that we are here.  A friggin miracle!

Sometimes I struggle with the fact that this isn’t exactly as I pictured, but I am choosing to focus on the fact that there is no earthly reason that this should have happened.  All odds were completely against us and still we are here.  There is not explanation for it except that I influenced my subconscious mind and it attracted to me the forces and people who I needed to get here.  AND that all that I have dreamed for our lives here will happen and much, much more that I could have ever imagined.  I will continue to observe myself in the process – observe myself being grateful and know I am connected to the Universal power and that all that I need will be drawn to me.

Kauai is perfect, I am perfect, the Universe is as it should be and I will not be the one who is going to make the perfect the enemy of the great.

blessings & believe,

Davene J

About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

  • “All eagles were born to soar. It is why we were created. Our power, however, comes not from what we can see, it is in the unseen. It is the wind, not our wings, that lifts us to the high places. It is our vision, not our eyes, that makes us rulers of the skies. But, above all these, it is our spirit, not our speed, that leads us to be strong and free.” – David McNally

    Thanks Mark & Davene for “watching our backs” and for putting your time, knowledge and love on the line to assist us in becoming the people we were meant to be. walt

  • Wow, Studying the Master Key Master Mind Alliance for the past few weeks I’ve found myself looking at things, life, and conversations, as an observer. I’ve actually been a better listener and have found myself sitting back. letting what I was seeing or hearing sink in. It’s as if I absorb more and can actually feel my brain processing the information and then I stop, and think of how I will respond based on what I have been learning. I find myself saying things to people like, ” you have complete control in how you want your life to be” or, ” You need to sit back and decide what it is you truly want in your life and expect no less.” I can’t imagine what the next 24 weeks will be. Thank you and Mark for waking up my inner self…..

  • […] I think Davene nails the thoughts we all have at times when what we pictured in our mind’s eye is exactly how it all pans out…so the choice is between disappointment or happiness that you got that far. I prefer the the latter. It is our choice and a state of consciousness! My husband Mark (The World's Laziest Networker) and I have been telling people since 2004 that we are moving to Kauai.  We got the typical mixed reviews.  Some, mostly already successful or open-minded people, said "Wow great" others usually the ones who are not successful and closed-minded said, "Isn't is expensive to live there?"   In essence the comments positive or negative were just versions of these.  All the same in principle. In this situ … Read More […]

  • Well said Davene, we make our own reality. Give my regards to the worlds mist laziest networker, and enjoy one if the mist beautiful spots in earth.


  • Davene this is an execellent example on how the subconcious mind actually works. It is so wonderful that you are both able to enjoy such a beautiful place.
    Each of our dreams are possible and are bound to happen.

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