December 26, 2015


The Master Key Mastermind Alliance Week 13 has a week off next Sunday because this is Christmas Week for some of us.   AND 13 is my lucky number – I was born on Friday the 13th!  So lucky!

Being Christmas week, I think I lost a day because I thought today was Friday and it’sMaster Key mastermind Alliance actually Saturday.

This is a quality challenge, because the weather is beautiful everyday sometime I forgot what day, month and even year it is on a regular basis.

Yes I am saying that losing day is common place for me.  But I’m super grateful though.  Living in Kauai does have it’s upside too 🙂

Anyway, this week has been so full of awarenesses and epiphanies that it has been a bit overwhelming.

It’s hard to believe the we are half way through the Master Key Mastermind Alliance experience and I am so, so grateful for this year’s class.  I have grown unbelievably through their example. Mahalo nui loa class of 2015-16.

The thing I’m the most grateful for this holiday season, it’s been the greatest gift, is the forgiveness.  Ah such a relief.

Forgiving others, some who probably don’t even require my forgiveness, and self forgiveness.  The peace of mind that comes from authentic forgiveness is so beautiful I can’t even describe it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not been an instanenous occurrence not by any means.  In some cases it’s been years, decades!

There have been some recent changes and “in my face” examples of how unforgiving I have been in the past and I won’t say I regret the unforgiving person I have been but I will say it’s been a waste of time that I forgive myself for wasting it!

Master Key mastermind AllianceWe at the MKMMA are committed to excellence and today on this blog I want to publicly say mahalo to our Guides, Master Guides and staff that all work so hard to make this course a life changing experience.

I love you all!

The Fabulous Davene

About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

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