January 4, 2016

Master Key Mastermind Alliance

Master Key Mastermind Alliance Week 15

I did miss everyone last week but it is nice to have a week off from Master Key Mastermind Alliance Week 15

So guess what?

We have had company at the house since the 29th of December and it’s been super exciting and fun.

Michael Steinmann and his wife Maria Erashova, Michael is from Germany and Maria i sfrom Siberia, Russia.  They currently live in Boston (I love irony) and are enjoying that very much.  We love them so much and they are to, to adorable.  Maria is a great adult fantasy writer and Michael a super IT guy.  Also Master Key Mastermind Alliance & Go90Grow members.

Also visiting is Gunilla Sunnros from Stockholm, Sweden.  Gunilla is an amazing person running her own hugely successful productions company.  She produces huge events in Sweden.

It’s been so great to spend quality time with these lovely people from other cultures.  Did you know that New Years Eve and Day are a huge thinMaster Key Mastermind Allianceg in Russia?!  It’s like their biggest holiday.  Who knew?  Russians I guess.

So Maria and Michael said they want to cook us all an authentic Russian meal – Holy Wow!! I had no idea what were in store for, delicious and amazing.

Master Key Mastermind AllianceI had Borscht!  It’s fantastic, have it if every you get the chance.

We’ve been to the beach!
We’ve been ziplining with Kauai Backcountry Adventures!

We’ve gotten a ton of work done!

And Mark is writing books and Maria is a writer so that’s an amazing collaboration!

Magical things are happening everyday!
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About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

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