August 11, 2015

Master Key ExperienceThere’s an old saying, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single  step.”  And of course we’ve all hear the oldie but goodie, “Life is a journey not a destination.”

These are two lessons that I assimilated into my heart on My Master Key Experience.

You know how you learn something that’s profound and you just know it in your head.  Then one day that thing you learned makes the long, long 12 inch journey to your heart and you go, “Wow know I get it”.  You know how that happens?  Well that’s what I find the most amazing happenstance on the journey of the Master Key Experience.

It’s seems like on a daily basis these ‘epiphanies’ occur in my life and the lives of Master Key Experience members.

We hear them all the time from the amazing membership of The Master Key Experience.

And that is probably the second most amazing thing for me.  Getting to share in these wonderful, joyful and sometimes difficult changes that occur in the lives of myself and our membership.

The witnessing of someone becoming a Hero in their own life is far and away ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’.  Sorry Mr. Ringling Brothers, caging up and making animals perform in front of people got nothin’ on us and the Master Key Experience.

Watching what may be considered ordinary people diligently do the work that it takes to institute real honest and lasting change in their lives, striving daily toward their truth, their joy, their gifts, their bliss.  That right there my friends is a privilege that is impossible to measure.  And to have a hand in it, to be of service on these “Heroes Journeys” can’t be described accurately in words even if I was a Twain or Shakespeare, which as you can all attest to I’m not.  Hey, but who is now a days.

These amazing people, people like Carolynn, Marea, Deb, Jason, Donald, Paul, Trish, Jason, Derek, Izanna, Marian, Andrei, Sandra, Marie, Anna, Theresa, George, Jerry, Steve, Anthony, Tommy, Carol, Bobbie, Sam, Marty, Sarah, Lorelei, Leanne, Darren, Tanya, Luc, Fawn, Liane, Kris, John, Caryn, Patricia, Loren, Dom, Kara, Michele, Joan, the list goes on and on …..

There’s not enough room to name all the tremendous human beings that are involved and making significant changes in their lives, and the lives of others, through their own contributions, as what I believe is the world’s most powerful being on the planet – A Self Directed Thinker!  Bravo to all of you!  I truly love you all!

If you want to find out about some of these amazing heroes check them out here:  CLICK HERE TO See Amazing Life Changing Master Key Experiences

Master Key Experience

About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

  • Absolutely the greatest most phenomenal show on earth…Hop on board people, your life will never be the same and like me you will be living in amazing gratitude….Thanks for the great read Fab D.

  • I was a student of Master Keys last year, and I did not know what to expect, but what I got was great. Most people say they want a great life, and some have it, but are you satisfied? Is there something you would like to improve? Would it be worth a quick look to make everything just a little better, or just one thing a lot better for you? Click on one of the links and check it out.
    Peace – George

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