December 31, 2016

do you really have ethics?

Do You Really Have Ethics? Week 14 Master Key Experience

So you’re walking by a large shallow pond.  You see a small child on the other side floundering and will drown in seconds.  You realize you’re wearing your $200 or 300 pair shoes designer shoes.  There’s not time to take them off – what do you do?  Do you really have ethics?

Of course… of course – saving the child is the ethical thing to do! Of course.  Do you really have ethics?

So now you have that $200 or $300 or $2 or $3 and you could send it to Oxfam or Unicef to save the life of a child or many children what do you do?  Or 1 hours a week if money is an issue.  Although I’ll tell you right now if your not tithing don’t expect anything to be coming to you.

So do you have ethics?

Well according to a recent poll less that 5% of Americans tithe in any shape or form.  So I’m saying you don’t… You don’t have ethics unless your in the 5% who do contribute.

I must digress here and let you know BEFORE you contribute to anything, especially a “religious” type of organization, check and see how much of what you are contributing is going to the end user.  Charitable organizations are only required by law to send  a mere 17% to the end user.  I know it’s disgraceful, ask yourself does the government have ethics either.  It should be no surprise that 95% of Americans don’t either.  Due to the fact that they are charitable 501C3 organizations they also must, by law, also make their financials available to the public.  So do your homework and make sure that at least 50% is going to the entities they are claiming to help BEFORE you give them any of your hard earned income?

They are out there – charities that are ethical and they are easy to find.

I believe this is a valuable question to ask I know that most people won’t do anything differently, even when confronted with the fact that their ethics may be a little shaky.  Most people don’t do anything differently when confronted with modes of behavior that may be unethical in some shape or form.

So it comes down to one things, as it always does, personal responsibility.  We all have a personal responsibility to help and be of service to others who need our help.

It’s just a question and I know the Master Key Experience members will appreciate asking themselves as they are self directed thinkers!

Mahalo & Aloha,


Transform your life

About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

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