January 9, 2011


The other day we went to town, the big city, Lihue, to shop.  That’s a joke, it’s funny, Lihue is tiny.  I grew up in a big city, Lynn, MA.  Some of you may have heard of the Great Lynn Fire many years ago.  Anyway it’s a big city 10 miles north of Boston and has the worst drivers IN – THE – WORLD.  So heading out to drive 45 minutes to go to a city to shop that’s big store is Walmart is kind of funny.  But alot happens on shopping day because you have to have at least 4 things to do if you’re going to drive all the way to Lihue, a wapping 29 miles away.  It takes 45 minutes to drove 29 miles because there only one road and it’s one lane.  It’s funny.

Where in the boonies out here in Kekaha.  Kekaha has a, one,  convenience store and a post office, it’s funny.  This is very foreign to me and it continues to amaze me that I live here.  I worked in Boston for 10 years for crying out loud, everything at my fingertips, across the street from the Prudential building.  Now I have to buy everything in bulk so I don’t run out of toilet paper or dog food.  It’s funny.

You’d think I’d be bored and be able to catch up on my movies, since award season is just around the corner.  But no, everyday is chock full and I watch like 2 hours of TV a week.  That includes date night with my husband to watch Hawaii 50, that’s funny.  I used to watch like 2 hours a day, not a week.  How is this possible that I work, work, work all day long and have not time to even sit on the beach when before I had all this time to shoot the shit and watch TV.  I don’t get it, it’s funny to me.

Don’t get me wrong this is awesome, I love to be busy and have 20 different things happening in a day.  So I can only chock it up to the Master Key Master Mind Alliance.  I get so much more done and I am not interested in non-productive activities.  OATS is the greatest and if you not doing it your crazy.  Sorry if I’m being negative but your just down right crazy if you don’t OATS.  Do it, schedule time with your family, or important people in your life first.  Be like nike just do it!

Now, since the 14th of December, there’s 5 of us in the house and a dog.  I have not lived with that many people in years and  as you can imagine it sure adds alot to the stuff to do list.  This experience of living all under one roof has also taught me another thing.  There are lots of things that go on the to don’t list.  The to don’t list is a big list for me because I think to much about the things I don’t want.  So the to don’t list consistes of all the stuff I don’t want to happen that I waste precious time thinking about.  Then there are the plain physical thinks to don’t, because they cause scratchy things to happen.

Things are not going exactly the way thought they would, or mabey hoped they would, that’s OK.  Because of all I have learned.  Then this morning I was TRYING to meditate and pray  and a beautiful sense of relief came over me, a spiritual experience I guess you’d call it.  It was a great realization and I feel blessed to live in the house right now because I see it as a classroom where I can learn to get better and better as a person and a spiritual being.

What came to me this morning and keeps coming back to me, and I pray it doesn’t stop, is a scene from a movie.  (All the answer to life are in the movies.)  If you’ve even see the movie “Michael” with John Travolta you’ll recall the scene in the bar where they are having a meal.  Michael, the angel, says “Remember whey John and Paul said.”  Then the Robert Pastorelli character, Huey says, “The apostles?” And Michael says, “No the Beatles, All You Need Is Love.”

Blessings & Believe,


About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

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