Doing my best to stay along with the MKMMA Class of 2015.
We did the tithe this week and that feels great! I love that we tithe off the top and not after profits. We Rock!!!
That’s my wonderful husband’s commitment. When he found out how much of people’s contributions really get the end users he determined that anything he ever tithes comes off the top. Before taxes, before expenses, before everything!
I’m so proud we do that.
Just an aside, before you contribute to something make sure that at least 50% is going to the end user. Most don’t especially the TV preachers. So nothing against them they just don’t give much to those in need they give most to themselves.
Like I said nothing person just do your homework before you share your hard earned money. It’s public knowledge. They don’t make it easy but in most cases you can find the financials on their websites because they are required to make them public.
Anyway, so honored to be part of this 2015-16 Class. It’s an amazing group of people and I’m doing better this year than ever keeping up with them.
Sadly this is my first blog post but my autobiographical movie poster is done, my recording, all my exercises and index cards, etc. etc. etc.
It’s a small price to pay to be living my dream in Kauai – I love all of our members, guides, master guides, staff! I love my life.

Just checking