Saw this picture on Facebook today ~ we all see these types pictures and quotes all the time. Usually posted by Network Marketers, Internet Marketers or Multi Level Marketers trying to get you to buy something or opt for something, right. Ironically not this person though. 🙂
If I could figure out why this is so popular I’d be as smart as Zuckerberg himself.
Social Media seems more a place to pontificate with famous people quotes and political ravings. Although I have to say I believe that sites like Facebook could make a real difference in the world if everyone would use it to spread the word about the injustices in the world – but don’t just inform; offer a solution!!!
This picture and quote is a perfect example.
Great, talk to the elephant ~ thanks alot for the advise but how the hell do I do that?
My hope is that when you see these silly posts that you take action and find out how to accomplish this feat or other.
But how much better would the world be if the instructions on how to talk to the elephant were included or how to make your attitude determine your altitude… or some other wonderful useless quote.
And those that rant about Obama, GMO (me), Taxes or the myriad of issues used to distract us from the truth. When you post one of these things that outraged you; a solution must be included. You have to also post some kind of solution…. It should be the law of social media. No ranting or complaining without a equal opportunity to do something about it.
Anyway back to the Elephant.
Ya, ya people are always spouting off about your attitude, your goals, your why, be positive, on and on and on but no one and I mean NO ONE give you any solution.
No one gives you the directions of HOW to achieve this great attitude we are all supposed to maintain. Especially all those Gurus and Icons that hate The World’s Laziest Networker.
So why do they ‘hate‘ the World’s Laziest Networker?
Well, they probably don’t ‘hate‘ him…’s more about ‘human nature’…..people tend to not like what they do not understand……it’s the basis for prejudice, eh?
Maybe they are just doing what they were taught and the don’t realize that people need the directions, the skills. But the real problem people, the, ahem, gurus peddling ‘secrets’ have with the Laziest Networker is 2 fold. First, he makes it clear that there are not really any ‘secrets’ and, secondly, you can build a big, big business very part time.
See, some MLMers cannot understand, so they decide to ‘not believe’ that you can build a big business in under 12 hours a week. Period. This means someone who has done OK income-wise but worked full time to get there would have to admit there is a better way. Ut-oh…..that means the ‘secrets’ don’t hold water and that’s not so good if you are in the secret selling business.
I know, because I saw it happen, several times, one can easily build this business to gangster money very part time once they believe that is true and learn the mindset [no, not some ‘feel good’ POP motivational nonsense], and the skills. That is a 1-2 punch I saw developed, defined, refined and work…..for him, myself and 1000s that ‘get it’.
The suffering with MLM, leads, politics inside groups, fear, and doubt can end as soon as you decide there must be a better way and surrender to the simple idea of embracing a 4000 year old truth…..
THINK! Think to when you were a kid and the future seems unlimited. Today, most people have lost that spot. You’ve got to get back to that spot, to that moment you believed your future was going to be incredible……because, within that spot is something very special. Access to a power that will virtually manifest thoughts on demand. I know, I’ve seen this happen over and over and over again……and NO…..this is not ‘self help’ feel warm and fuzzy stuff. You have to know where this power is, how to access it, claim it and use it.
For most people this seems like ‘Aladdin Lamp’ nonsense but I can assure you this is the reason people tend to be highly critical of this Lazy Networker thing. You’ll discover, if you really look and experience the MKMMA [it’s a free course, don’t worry, not pitch coming], that no one who goes through it doubts the power and ability to create change on demand.
Not so easy in this world that is telling you, with every single opportunity it gets, that you are NOT good enough. Not smart enough, not skinny enough, not pretty enough. DOWN WITH DISNEY!!! Princesses suck! Prince Charming only cares about one thing if you know what it mean! That’s reality! And in such a crazy whirlwind reality, with 1000 things screaming at you from all directions, you need the instructions, the direction, and answers on how to get this wonderful positivity attitude that everyone is supposed to have already….. ya right.
So, here we are. A defining moment for you. Go with the ‘gurus and icons’ view of stuff or investigate … And that word free is another problem so people have who feel they are in competition with Mark, The World’s Laziest Networker. How can he keep giving all this stuff that actually works, away, free? More prejudice 🙂 That kind of thinking make it clear, once you learn and apply the Master Key System the way he teaches it……why success will never come from people leveraging inexperience & fear, selling secrets or leads.
So I am tired of all the rhetoric and mindless spouting and ranting and I have some solutions for you. If you take the FREE Master Key Mastermind Alliance course you get the answers you yearn for, locate the power to manifest and learn the simple truth behind all self sustaining success.
Hi Davene. Stopping by on my Go90Grow bloggers blog hop to say hello. Being a Disney fanatic myself, I’m not entirely sure I can agree with you on that point. 🙂
Hi Dave! Here is an excerpt from a post I published on FB, Monday: “”The American Dream is alive and well. All you have to do is reach out and grab it. No, I am not a Pollyanna, just someone who has worked my career, 35 years, obtained a couple of degrees, and went to training schools, only to realize that all of that schooling and education means very little, now that I am retired. Am I looking for the American Dream? Do I think it is still alive and attainable? You bet your booty I am and it is!
Reading over many of the comments below, I see that people are fed up with the government and politics. Heck, it seems like it is the trend, today, to blame the government, our place of employment, our parent(s), our teachers, our ministers, our doctors and pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, races, religions, relatives, neighbors, the economic system, and countless other groups including our creator, God, for our misfortunes, physical and mental illnesses, lack of employment, and our social status. Remember when we were in grade school, we learned that if you point one finger, there are three pointing back at you?” The point being, if you have a problem (the one finger) before you make it public, you need to have at least 3 possible solutions. Even student nurses practice this in nursing school. They must identify a problem with the client and come up with 3-5 interventions that can reverse the problem (This is an exercise called Care Plan). I believe that you are absolutely correct in this blog post. Very well written and easy to understand. Tnx for the info.
Thanks Davene for using my infographic in your post. My intent was is to inspire interest and get people asking “what does this mean?”. I guess it worked – LOL.
HI Dave, I read this post and sitting here thinking of all the people I know that have just given up. They think that because they are retired and have a little bit of income that they cannot do anything else. They are conditioned to be where they are and not continue to grow. They had rather get the pain pills for their pain, because their insurance and medicare pays for it, rather than try something natural and spend a little time talking to people. If I could find a way to get through to them that they still are capable of making more money, having more things and be healthier. If they would learn network marketing skills. This country would be much better off and more people would be working for themselves rather than waiting for the retirement checks and social security.
Here’s a link that might help you related to Google Adwords…
The major reason MLM leaders hate World’s Laziest Networker training is that they have a deep fear that it will destroy their duplication system. Unfortunately for them they do not actually have a duplication system – they have a failure system. If they fully realised what WLN training achieved, they would be falling over themselves to pay for their people to be properly trained.