December 17, 2020

Self directed thinker

Sharing The Benefits Of Self Directed Thinking

benefits of self directed thinkingOne of the very best things about facilitating the Master Key Experience 26-week course is that we get to share some of the incredible benefits of Self Directed Thinking.

Each week we feature a blog that has been written by one of the spectacular Master Key Experience members who has become a self-directed thinker.

Watching and sharing the growth of the MKE members is a great joy but what is even better is knowing that their lives are improving, healthy growth is happening. One of the greatest blessings of my life.

You want to do yourself a favor and check out John Harris’ Week 11 Blog

Here is a quote and you want to know the rest of the story, “But dream big and have faith in your dream. No one can do it for you but you have help along the with the Master Key Experience.”

Mahalo for a great blog John!

Aloha from Kauai!


About the author 

The Fab Davene

President and CEO of Training Solutions, LLC Davene has successfully run this lucrative training company for over 20 years. Subscribe for the 7-Day Mental Diet and get started on your new life.

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